How To || Pastel Purple Hair with Bleach London.
So if you follow me on Instagram or like my Facebook page or, actually, have me on any social network at all, you'll know my hair has been on/off a lilacy pastel purple colour over the last few months. If you know anything about hair and pastel dyes, the thing is, they don't last at all. Most brands of non-generic hair colours only come in semi permanent and claim to last between 2-10 washes, which is true for bolder colours, but the pastel colours seem to only last three washes max. But since I've discovered this lil technique using a combination of the dye and silver shampoo I thought it was worth sharing. Only downside is though, this only works on pastel purple hair, because the silver shampoo won't do anything for any other colours, Bleach do a rosé shampoo too though, and you could use that with this same technique on pastel pink hair!)
So my hair is bleached up to a very, very light blonde and pastel colours will not work on anything darker than blonde hair, so keep that in mind. When starting off from blonde, I use Bleach London's Violet Skies Hair Colour all over to get an even coverage of colour to start off with. I know a lot of people mix their dye with conditioner for a pastel finish but you do not need to do that with this, the colour is very much so pastel without conditioner added in. The bottle says to apply it to wet, shampooed hair, but I lightly dampened my hair and worked it into each layer. I used just a bit under the whole bottle on my head with a little left if I needed any touchups. I left this in for about half an hour, but in fairness, you could leave it on for two hours if you wanted, the longer the better to let the colour develop.
The colour intensity will fade straight after one wash, and naturally, nobody wants to dye their hair every other day, ain't nobody got time for that. This is where the Bleach London Silver Shampoo comes in. For the first three washes after using the dye, I'll use this shampoo and leave it in for about 10 minutes before rincing. The shampoo bottle is bigger than the dye and you use a lot less product because of the viscosity compared to that of the dye. After this, I'll use it every second wash in the same manner as before. So much cheaper and faster than trying to use dye for the upkeep of pastel hair. When my hair starts going a more dull purple colour (this takes at least one month), I'll use the dye again and continue the cycle. Aaaand that's how I get my hair to last! I'm sure someone out there in the blogging universe has discovered this before me but this is probably the smartest hair-related thing I've ever come up with so let me have my moment!
Shop Bleach London - HERE